Characterization of microalgae pre-treatment options for the efficient mitigation of membrane fouling in drinking water treatment

Producing clean and safe drinking water is a complex and multi-step process that is affected significantly by source water quality.  In general, algal blooms in source water are becoming more prevalent given the nutrient load increase and higher water temperature in the summer time. We are employing novel population growth assay for micro-organisms using a high end Nikon Microscope screening system. Out technology can assess viability and vitality in environmental samples and provides critical insight into the efficiency of water treatment. In collaboration with Trojan Technologies, we have been testing our screening method on micro-algae through an NSERC Engage Program

New Research:

Divergent responses of diverse microalgae commonly found in drinking water source water to UV-C treatment

Mass transfer and flow characterization of novel algae-based nutrient removal system


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January 16, 2017