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Comparative Physiology @ Guelph

Preparation of Poly/Bed 812 Resin

25mL Poly/Bed 812


12.5mL NMA

1.75mL BDMA

4 x 10mL syringes

1 x 5mL syringe

Urine container

Stir bar

Stir plate

  • Add Poly/Bed 812, DDSA, and NMA to urine container, each with a different 10mL syringe, while stirring in the fume hood.
  • Add BMDA with the 5mL syringe, pushing the plunger rapidly to ensure that all contents are released into the mix.
  • Label and store in -20°C freezer for up to 2 months, or at 4°C for 2 weeks.
  • Polymerize in 60°C oven for 24 hours.
  • Let cool to room temperature before cutting with ultramicrotome.