Cooke SJ, Madliger CL, Cramp RL, Beardall J, Burness GP, Chown SL, Clark TD, Dantzer B, de la Barrera E, Fangue NA, Franklin CE, Fuller A, Hawkes LA, Hultine KR, Hunt, KE Love OP, MacMillan HA, Mandelman JW, Mark FC, Martin LB, Newman AEM, Nicotra AB, Robinson SA, Ropert-Coudert Y, Rummer JL, Seebacher F, Todgham AE. 2020. Reframing conservation physiology to be more inclusive, integrative, relevant and forward-looking: reflections and a horizon scan. Conservation Physiology, 8:2020.
PDFRoedell M, Karrow N, Newman AEM, Widowski T. 2020. Effects of maternal stress on measures of anxiety and fearfulness in different strains of laying hens. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7:128.
PDF*Wilson HA, Martin ER, Howes C, Wasson C, Newman AEM, Choleris E, MacLusky NJ. 2020. Low dose prenatal testosterone exposure decreases the corticosterone response to stress in adult male, but not female, mice. Brain Research, 1729:146613.
Greyson-Gaito CJx, Bartley TJx, Cottenie Kx, Jarvis Wx, Newman AEMx, *Stothart MRx. 2020. Into the wild: Microbiome transplant studies need broader ecological reality. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287: 20192834. xall authors contributed equally.
PDF*Gardner KM, Mennill D, Newman AEM, Doucet SM. 2020. Social and physiological drivers of rapid colour change in a tropical toad. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 285:113292.
PDF*Stothart MR, Palme R, Newman AEM. 2019. It’s what’s on the inside that counts: stress physiology underlays microbiome variation of a wild mammal. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286:20192111.
PDFvanVliet HEJ, Stutchbury BJM, Newman AEM, Norris DR. 2020. The impacts of agricultural intensification on an obligate grassland bird of North America. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 287:106696.
PDF*Freeman N, Norris DR, Sutton AO, Newman AEM. 2020. Raising young with limited resources: supplementation improves body condition and advances fledging of Canada jays. Ecology, 101:e02909.
PDFBrady SP, Bolnick DI, Angert AL, Gonzalez A, Barrett RDH, Crispo E, Eckert CG, Guichard F, McAdam AG, Newman AEM, Simons AM, Hendry A. 2019. Causes of maladaptation. Evolutionary Applications, 12:1229-1242.
PDFMoran IG, Lukianchuk KC, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Williams H, Norris DR, Mennill DJ. 2019. Diel and seasonal patterns of variation in the singing behaviour of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Avian Research, 10:26-34.
PDFDeLuca WV, Woodworth BK, Mackenzie SA, Newman AEM, Cooke H, Phillips LM, *Freeman NE, Sutton AO, Tauzer L, McIntyre C, Stenhouse IJ, Weidensaul S, Taylor PD, Norris DR. 2019. A boreal songbird’s 20,000km migration across North America and the Atlantic Ocean. Ecology, 100:e02651.
PDFBrady SP, Bolnick DI, Barrett R, Chapman L, Crispo E, Derry AM, Eckert C, Fraser DJ, Fussmann G, Gonzalez A, Guicard F, Lamy T, Lane J, McAdam A, Newman AEM, Paccard A, Reale D, Robertson B, Rolshausen G, Schulte T, SimonsE A, Vellend M, Hendry A. 2019. Understanding maladaptation by uniting ecological and evolutionary perspectives. American Naturalist, 194:495-515.
PDF*Freedman CR, *Rothschild D, *Groves C, Newman AEM. Osphranter rufus (Diprododontia: Macropodidae). Mammalian Species, in press.
Ralston J, Lorenc L, Montes M, Deluca W, Kirchman J, Woodworth BK, Mackenzie S, Newman AEM, Cooke H, *Freeman NE, Sutton AO, Tauzer L, Norris DR. 2019. Length polymorphisms at two candidate genes explain variation of migratory behaviors in blackpoll warblers (Setophaga striata). Ecology and Evolution, 9:8840-8855.
PDFMennill DJ, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Williams H, Moran IG, Thomas IP, Woodworth BK, Bornais M, Norris DR. 2019. Eavesdropping on adult vocal interactions does not enhance juvenile song learning: an experiment with wild songbirds. Animal Behavior, 155:67-75.
Sutton, AO, Strickland D, *Freeman NE, Newman AEM, Norris DR. 2019. Autumn freeze-thaw events carry over to depress late-winter reproductive performance in Canada jays. Royal Society Open Science, 6:181754.
PDF*Wilcox AAE, Flockhart DTT, Newman AEM, Norris DR. 2019. An evaluation of studies on the potential threats contributing to the decline of eastern migratory North American monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution-Conservation, 7:99.
PDFBrkik V, et al. 2019. Weak effects of geolocators on small birds: a meta-analysis controlled for phylogeny and publication bias. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89:207-220.
PDFRivkin LR, Santangelo JS, Alberti M, Aronson MFJ, de Keyzer CW, Diamond SE, Fortin M, Frazee LJ, Gorton AJ, Hendry AP, Lui Y, Losos JB, MacIvor JS, Martin RA, McDonnell M, Miles LS, Munshi-South J, Ness R, Newman AEM, *Stothart MR, Theodorou P, Thompson KA, Verreli BC, Whitehead A, Winchell KM, Johnson MTJ. 2019 A roadmap for urban evolutionary ecology. Ecological Applications, 12:384-398.
PDFWilliams H, Robins CW, Norris DR, Newman AEM, Freeman-Gallant CR, Wheelwright NT. 2019. The buzz segment of Savannah sparrow song is a population marker. Journal of Ornithology, 160: 217-227.
PDF*Freeman NE, Newman AEM. 2018. Quantifying corticosterone in feathers: validations for an emerging technique. Conservation Physiology, 6:coy051.
PDFMennill DJ, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Woodworth BK, Williams H, Moran IG, Norris DR. 2018 Wild birds learn songs from simulated tutors: the dynamics of vocal learning in nature. Current Biology, 28:3273-3278.
PDFMoran IG, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Norris DR, Mennill DJ. 2018 Quiet violence: songbirds respond to playback-simulated rivals using soft songs as aggressive signals of intention. Ethology, 124: 724-732.
PDFNewman AEM, *Hess H, Woodworth BK, Norris DR. 2017 Time as tyrant: the minute, hour and day make a difference for corticosterone concentrations in wild nestlings. General & Comparative Endocrinology, 250:80-84.
PDFWoodworth BK, Wheelwright NT, Newman AEM, Schaub M, Norris DR. 2017. Winter temperatures limit population growth rate in a migratory songbird. Nature Communications, 8:14812.
PDF*Pakkala JJ, Norris DR, Sedinger JS, Newman AEM. 2016. Experimental effects of early-life corticosterone on the HPA axis and pre-migratory behaviour in a wild songbird. Functional Ecology, 30: 1149-1160.
PDFWoodworth BK, Newman AEM, *Turbek SP, Dossman BC, Hobson KA, Wassenaar LI, Mitchell GW, Wheelwright NT, Norris DR. 2016. The early arrival hypothesis explains sex differences in winter latitude of a short-distance migratory songbird. Oecologia, 181:413-422
PDF*Stothart MR, Bobbie CB, Schulte-Hostedde AI, Boonstra R, Palme R, Mykytczuk NCS, Newman AEM. 2016. Stress and the microbiome: linking glucocorticoids to bacterial community dynamics in wild red squirrels. Biology Letters, 12:20150875.
PDFNewman AEM, *Edmunds N, *Ferraro S, *Heffell Q, *Merritt G, *Pakkala JJ, *Schilling C, *Schorno S. 2015. Using ecology to inform physiology studies: implications of high population density in the laboratory. AJP: Regulatory, Integrative & Comparative Physiology, 308: 449-454
PDFWada H, Newman AEM, Hall ZJ, Soma KK, MacDougall-Shackleton SA. 2014. Effects of corticosterone and DHEA on doublecortin immunoreactivity in the adult song control system of song sparrows. Journal of Developmental Neurobiology, 74: 52-62.
PDF*Fiske JA, Gannon D, Newman AEM. 2013. The effects of repeated investigator handling on growth rate and the acute stress response in Leach’s Storm-Petrel chicks. Journal of Field Ornithology, 84:425-432.
PDFDantzer BJ, Newman AEM, Boonstra R, Palme R, Boutin S, Humphries MM, McAdam AG. 2013. Density cues trigger maternal stress hormones that increase adaptive offspring growth in a wild mammal. Science, 340: 1215-1217.
PDF*Pakkala J, Norris DR, Newman AEM. 2013. An experimental test of the capture-restraint protocol for estimating the acute stress response. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 86: 279-284.
PDFWilliams H, Levin I, Norris DR, Newman AEM, Wheelwright, NT. 2013. Three decades of cultural evolution in Savannah sparrow songs. Animal Behaviour, 85: 213-223.
PDFNewman AEM, Zanette LY, Clinchy M, Goodenough N, Soma KK. 2013. Stress in the wild: chronic predator pressure and acute restraint affect plasma DHEA and corticosterone levels in a songbird. Stress, 16: 363-367.
PDFMitchell GW, Newman AEM, Wikelski M, Norris DR. 2012. Timing of breeding carries over to influence migratory departure in a songbird: an automated radio tracking study. Journal of Animal Ecology, 81: 1024-1033.
PDFKupferschmidt DA, Newman AEM, Boonstra R, Erb S. 2011. Antagonism of cannabinoid 1 receptors reverses the anxiety-like behaviour induced by central injections of corticotropin-releasing factor and cocaine withdrawal. Neuroscience, 204: 125-133.
PDFNewman AEM, Soma KK. 2011. Aggressive interactions differentially modulate local and systemic levels of corticosterone and DHEA in a wild songbird. Hormones and Behavior, 60:389-396.
PDFCharlier TD, Newman AEM, Heimovics SA, Po KWL, Saldanha CJ, Soma KK. 2011. Rapid effects of aggressive interactions on aromatase activity and oestradiol in discrete brain regions of wild male white-crowned sparrows. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 23:742-753.
PDFClinchy M, Zanette L, Charlier TD, Newman AEM, Schmidt KL, Boonstra R, Soma KK. 2011. Multiple measures elucidate glucocorticoid responses to environmental variation in predation threat. Oecologia, 166:607-614.
PDFAn YS, Kriengwatana B, Newman AEM, MacDougall-Shackleton EA, MacDougall-Shackleton SA. 2011. Social rank, neophobia, and observational learning in black-capped chickadees. Behavior, 148:55-69.
Newman AEM, Macdougall-Shackleton SA, An Y, Kriengwatana B, Soma KK. 2010. Corticosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone have opposing effects on adult neuroplasticity in the avian song control system. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 518:3662-78.
PDFPradhan DS, Newman AEM, Wacker DW, Wingfield JC, Schlinger BA, Soma KK. 2010. Aggressive interactions rapidly increase androgen synthesis in the brain during the non-breeding season. Hormones and Behavior, 57:381-389.
PDFCharlier TD, Po KW, Newman AEM, Shah AH, Saldanha CJ, Soma KK. 2010. 17β-estradiol levels in male zebra finch brain: combining Palkovits punch technique and an ultrasensitive radioimmunoassay. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 167:18-26
PDFMacdougall-Shackleton SA, Dindia L, Newman AEM, Potvin DA, Stewart KA, Macdougall-Shackleton EA. 2009. Stress, song and survival in sparrows. Biology Letters, 5:746-748.
PDFScotti MA, Schmidt KL, Newman AEM, Bonu T, Soma KK, Demas GE. 2009. Aggressive encounters differentially affect serum dehydroepiandrosterone and testosterone concentrations in male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Hormones and Behavior, 56:376-381.
PDFNewman AEM, Soma KK. 2009. Corticosterone and DHEA in wild songbird brain: effects of season and acute stress. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29:1905-1914.
PDFBoonstra R, Lane JE, Boutin S, Bradley A, Desantis L, Newman AEM, Soma KK. 2008. Plasma DHEA levels in wild, territorial red squirrels: seasonal variation and the effect of ACTH. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 158:61-67.
PDFNewman AEM, Pradhan DS, Soma KK. 2008. DHEA and corticosterone are regulated by season and acute stress in a wild songbird: jugular versus brachial plasma. Endocrinology,149: 2537-2545.
Newman AEM, Chin EH, Schmidt KL, Bond L, Wynne-Edwards KE, Soma KK. 2008. Analysis of steroids in songbird plasma and brain by coupling solid phase extraction to radioimmunoassay. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 155:503-510.
PDFSheldon LD, Chin EH, Gill SA, Schmaltz G, Newman AEM, Soma KK. 2008. Effects of blood collection on wild birds: an update. Journal of Avian Biology, 39:369-378.
PDFSoma KK, Scotti MA, Newman AEM, Charlier TD, Demas GE. 2008. Novel mechanisms for neuroendocrine regulation of aggression. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 29:476-489.
PDFNewman AEM, Xiao C, Robertson RM. 2005. Synaptic thermoprotection in a desert-dwelling Drosophila species. Journal of Neurobiology, 64:170-180
PDFNewman AEM, Foerster M, Shoemaker KL, Robertson RM. 2003. Stress-induced thermotolerance of ventilatory motor pattern generation in the locust. Journal of Insect Physiology, 49:1039-1047.